Arbitrage Advisor is app that analyses the latest foreign exchange market info and utilizes reliable...
Arbitrage Advisor is app that analyses the latest foreign exchange market info and utilizes reliable mathematical methods to find you an optimal low-risk way to benefit from the differences between exchange rates for various currencies. As result, Arbitrage Advisor provides you with a recommendation on currency exchange strategy - a sequence of currency conversion operations that allows you to get more money in result than you invest at start, or at least a strategy that would minimize the losses you might experience due to disadvantageous exchange rates, in case if in current market situation it's impossible to build a profitable strategy.
Arbitrage operation is operation that enables gaining profit without risks and doesn’t demand any additional investment.
For instance, let's say we have 3 currencies: A, B and C, and let's say that exchange rate for conversion of currency A into currency B is 2, B to A is 0,4, while exchange rate for conversion from currency B to C is 1.1 and C to A is 0,9. In such case we aren't able to gain profit in result of conversion of currency A into currency B and then back into A, as we will get only 1*2*0.4 = 0.8 units of currency A for every single unit of currency A we invest at start, however exchanging currency A into currency B and then converting the resulted amount of currency B into currency C and then back into A will allow us to have a low-risk profit: we will get 1*2*1.1*0.9=1.98 units of currency A for every single unit of currency A we invest.
Let's consider another example, let's say we have a situation when the exchange rate for conversion from JPY into CNY is 0.064 while the rate for conversion from CNY into JPY is 16.2, in such situation simply converting from JPY into CNY and then back to JPY allows us to gain profit, as in result of such conversion we get 1.024 for every single JPY we invest.
Arbitrage Advisor analyses the actual exchange rates information and finds profitable arbitrage strategies - sequences of exchange operations between various currencies that give more money in result than was invested at start.
However, it is not always possible to find such strategy for the currencies you're interested in, as different situations might occur on currency market, so for such cases Arbitrage Advisor gives you recommendation that would allow you to minimize your losses on an exchange operation.
Let's say you would like to exchange your money from currency A into currency B, with the exchange rate of 0.5, however there is also another currency C and the rates of conversion from A to C is 0.8 and C to B is 0.7, so by exchanging currency A into C and then converting the resulting sum into currency B you would get 0.56 units of currency B which is a better rate than direct conversion from A to B, thus you're able to save more money when converting currency A into B. Arbitrage Advisor is able to find such strategies as well.
In addition to that you can also use the Arbitrage Advisor to check the latest exchange rates for various currencies.
* Finds a strategy that would allow you to gain profit in result of exchange operations;
* Finds a way to minimize your losses on currency exchange operations;
* Check the latest currency exchange rates;
* Automatic exchange rates updates: Arbitrage Advisor will automatically check for new exchange rates to always keep you with the latest rates provided by the Central European Bank ( however, you can always select to manually check for updates on the currency market at will);
* Arbitrage Advisor stores the latest updates on the exchange rates, so you're able to use it even without Internet access, however the app will notify you that your device is not connected to the Internet in case if automatic update fails and stored info might already be out of date;
* Search for a profiting strategy among all available currencies or pick the ones you're interested in manually.